Groupe ADP to Launch EV Craft Ahead of Paris Olympics

25.05.2022 Products
Groupe ADP to Launch EV Craft Ahead of Paris Olympics

Groupe ADP to Launch EV Craft Ahead of Paris Olympics

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French company Groupe ADP, a world leader in airport design, construction and operation, will launch a commercial EV craft in December 2024 ahead of Paris Olympics and the test operation will be manned with one pilot and one passenger to define the progress, said Joyce Abou Moussa, Innovation Project Manager, ADP.

Participating in a panel discussion ‘Preparing for future urban mobility’ at the Airport Innovation & Development conference at the Global Airport Leaders Forum (GALF) held in Dubai last week, Joyce Abou Moussa, said the program is in the initial testing stage and components are being tested to address technical and regulatory requirements.

“The program is led by ADP and the testing is conducted at four vertiports initially and in the next phase the number of vertiports will be increased to 10 across the city of Paris before 2028,” added Joyce who is leading the Urban Mobility strategy and commercial development for Groupe ADP Aéroports de Paris.

The growth of urban air mobility, using highly automated aircraft that can operate and transport passengers or cargo at lower altitudes within urban and suburban areas, is gaining traction globally and will be an integral part of the future travel experience.

As the sector takes off, aviation, transport and city planning authorities are preparing the infrastructure to meet projected growth. The panel discussed various aspects of vertiports in more detail and regulation, infrastructure planning and growth forecasts for the urban air mobility sector.

The speakers discussed the advancement in the urban air mobility industry, specifically new electric aircraft, infrastructure and regulations.

Damian Kysely, Head of Infrastructure, Europe and Middle East, Skyports, his company has installed the ground infrastructure in Paris for the testing operation of the first commercial flight ahead of Paris Olympics and the scale will be broadened accordingly.

He said that the technology is already available as there are eight to 10 prototype aircraft but none of them is certified by the authorities.

Raghu Seelamonthula, Director – Strategy & Growth, Airside & Tower Systems, Honeywell, said that the real challenge is to bring all stakeholders on the same approach to sustainability.



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