ARQUUS Confirms Tier 2 of VT4 Program

11.09.2018 Asia

ARQUUS Confirms Tier 2 of VT4 Program

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The Ministry of the Armies announced on Thursday, September 6th, the signature of the second tier of 1.200 Standard 2 VT4. A total of 3,700 ARQUUS’ will be equipping the Army by 2025, replacing the P4 liaison vehicle.

Delivered by ARQUUS’ industrial plant in Saint-Nazaire, the VT4 is a light and versatile, non-armored, 4x4 vehicle for command and liaison purposes, designed to transport 5 soldiers or 4 operators equipped with the FELIN fighting system.

With its payload of 900kg, it is designed for domestic operations (Anti-terrorism Sentinelle operation, or training purposes), or foreign operations in stabilized conflict zones.

Versatile, the VT4 masters all kinds of grounds, both on and off-roads. It is equipped with a 160hp engine and benefits from a wide autonomy, thanks to its large fuel tanks. To answer the Army’s demands, ARQUUS undertook many adaptations on the VT4 to militarize it and make it meet all demands in terms of payload, weapon integration, notably FAMAS and HK416, and communication equipment.

Moreover, the vehicle has been fitted with many security systems, as well as all comfort equipment needed to save the soldiers’ strength in operations (air conditioning, comfortable seating, soundproof compartment. The VT4 thus matches the latest generation of civilian vehicles, guaranteeing optimal conditions for the soldier, even after a long journey.

The services package is fully integrated and innovative. It includes a firm commitment of 90% of operational technical availability on the whole fleet.

ARQUUS will be delivering 500 vehicles by the end of 2018. Production of standard 2 will begin as soon as 2019.

Business Area of the Volvo AB Group, Arquus is one of the three members of the short-term consortium to which the French Ministry of Defense awarded the Scorpion contract. The Group will be participating in the development of the new generation of wheeled armored personnel carriers for the French Army: the VBMR (multi-role armored vehicle) and the EBRC (armored reconnaissance and combat vehicle).

Arquus also supplies the powertrains and small-caliber weapons systems operated by these two vehicles. The Group will also provide full logistics for spare parts and Scorpion subsystems.


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