The French MOD orders 200 light armoured vehicles

21.07.2009 Europe

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French Defence Minister Hervé Morin has announced an order of 200 light armoured vehicles
- known as PVPs - as part of a France's economic recovery plan. Mr Morin explained: "This
increase in deliveries and orders will represent a significant proportion of the business activity
at the Panhard plants at Saint Germain Laval (Loire) and Marolles en Hurepoix (Essonne) for
the next two years.”


This purchase from Panhard General Defense, confirmed on 30 June 2009 by DGA, the
French defence procurement agency, is part of an overall contract announced in September
2004. It will significantly step up deliveries of PVPs, which will amount to 300 vehicles a
year in 2009 and 2010 compared with the initially planned figure of 200 a year. The number
of vehicles ordered so far has now reached 746, of which 314 have already been delivered to
France's armed forces. The total number of PVPs ordered will eventually reach 933 vehicles,
worth €150 million.


The PVP is a modern 4WD vehicle which will be used by artillery, engineering units and
combat unit command cells. This air-transportable, extremely mobile vehicle providing a high
level of ballistic protection meets the French army's engagement requirement. It is equipped
with a 7.62 mm machine gun and can carry up to four passengers.
The Defence Ministry's contribution to France's economic recovery plan amounts to
€2.4 billion resulting in a 10% boost in credit for the equipment goods sector in 2009.


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