nEUROn Receives its Wings

11.03.2011 Europe
nEUROn Receives its Wings

nEUROn Receives its Wings

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nEUROn, the European UCAV demonstrator, received its wings.

Designed and manufactured by EADS-CASA (Spain), the wings have been delivered to Dassault Aviation, Prime Contractor of the Programmed.

 Transported to Istres, where nEUROn final assembly takes place, the wings will be assembled with the fuselage on the coming days.

This delivery in due time, represents a major step in the development of this advanced stealthy and unmanned demonstrator, which gathers six European countries and their Industry: France (Dassault Aviation); Spain (EADS-CASA); Sweden (SAAB);  Italy (Alenia Aeronautica); Greece (Hellenic Aerospace Industry – HAI); and Switzerland (RUAG).

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