New Ballistic Protection for Police and Soldiers

20.10.2011 Europe
New Ballistic Protection for Police and Soldiers

New Ballistic Protection for Police and Soldiers

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Teijin Aramid introduced its latest unidirectional laminate fabric, Twaron® UD41 at the ongoing Milipol trade fair (Paris, 18-21 October 2011).

Twaron UD41 has been specially developed for bulletproof vests to provide extra protection from different types of attack, for groups such as soldiers or police units, and even private citizens who require such protection.

The new fabric - which is based on the high performance Twaron para-aramid fiber - makes it possible to produce hybrid protective vests that are not only able to withstand bullets and bullet fragments, but also other forms of assault, such as stabbing. The new product means that bulletproof vests are lighter in weight and offer greater flexibility and comfort than standard bulletproof vests without any concessions in terms of quality, protection or performance.
Twaron UD41 is a so-called unidirectional laminate, made up of four layers of Twaron fiber threads. The special 0°/90°/0°/90° configuration of the layers ensures that the strength of the fibers is used to optimal effect and prevent the material from shrinking. Smart UD technology guarantees that the Twaron fibers are parallel in every layer.

Each layer is individually constructed in the resin matrix and a thermoplastic film is completely laminated over the four UD layers, thereby providing maximum protection and preventing wear and tear. UD41 can be used in combination with other Twaron products for extra strength and performance.
Twaron UD41 is Teijin Aramid’s response to the demand for lightweight ballistic protection, which itself is the result of the increasing threat of violence in society. Currents trends are towards lightweight and comfortable vests that comply with strict safety regulations. In addition, the large number of new or amended safety restrictions, which involve combined protection against bullets and stabbing, require advanced hybrid solutions. Twaron UD41 has been tested in accordance with NIJ 01.01.06 requirements.

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