MBDA Launches Ground Combat Tactical Simulation Package

14.06.2012 Europe
MBDA Launches Ground Combat Tactical Simulation Package

MBDA Launches Ground Combat Tactical Simulation Package

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At Eurosatory 2012 (Paris, 11-15 June), MBDA is presenting its new ATTACS (Advanced Tactical Training Architecture for Combat System) solution for the tactical training of Armed Forces

ATTACS is an innovative simulation platform designed to instruct and train ground forces in the deployment and firing of their principal weapon systems in a simulated but highly realistic environment.

The modular structure and open architecture of ATTACS provide units, ranging from fire teams to companies, with the ability to move through modelizations of imaginary or real terrain that could potentially be their future zones of engagement, and to make networked use of new-generation MBDA weapon systems technical simulators.

Its “plug and play” operating system and ease of use facilitate its operational deployment, serving to maintain individual and collective technical and tactical skills even when close to the front line.

The accuracy with which ATTACS represents the combat environment, such as the use and the resultant effect of weapons, makes this an unrivalled and undeniably effective means of evaluating firing system planning and coordination.

As well as being a modern tuition resource for forces to use in tactical instruction and training, ATTACS is equally an innovative tool for mission preparation and debriefing.

ATTACS marks the culmination of many years of work conducted by MBDA in cooperation with the French procurement agency DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement) and the French Army (including its Technical Section known as STAT).

During the course of this work, MBDA developed and validated a comprehensive package of simulated environments and digital models of its current and future weapon systems.

As a result, MBDA is now capable of proposing the most comprehensive of support services for its weapon systems, including advanced tactical simulation platforms for the instruction and training of combat units in an environment that corresponds as close as possible to reality.


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