Nordic Defence Industry Associations Strengthen Ties

08.11.2012 Europe
Nordic Defence Industry Associations Strengthen Ties

Nordic Defence Industry Associations Strengthen Ties

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Strengthened Nordic Defence cooperation is an opportunity for the Nordic defence industry. The ambitions to develop combined operational military capabilities require more commonality and interoperability.  This cannot be achieved without industry playing a role. The Nordic defence industry intends to take an active role in supporting the Nordic armed forces in developing and sustaining such capabilities in those areas where the Nordic defence industry has state-of-the-art technology and competence.

In presence of the Defence Ministers of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, the four nations’ defence industry associations today, in Skagen, Denmark, signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining an enhanced framework for cooperation.  

The defence industry Associations of Denmark (FAD), Finland (AFDA), Norway (FSi) and Sweden (SOFF) have agreed to strengthen ties and increase cooperation.  The objective of the reinforced efforts by the four associations is to strengthen the competitiveness of the Nordic defence industry in the Nordic home market and globally.

It has been agreed to establish a Joint Nordic Defence Industry Cooperation Group (JNDICG). The group will facilitate coordination and information exchange in matters of mutual interest and is intended to be a common Nordic industry interface towards the relevant Nordic government bodies responsible for planning and execution of Nordic defence cooperation.

"Until now Nordic defence cooperation, NORDEFCO, has been the only such multilateral arrangement in Europe that has not recognized the industrial dimension. By entering into this collaborative framework, The Nordic defence industry associations extend an invitation to the Nordic Ministries of Defense and the NORDEFCO organization to engage in a structured dialogue with the Nordic defence industry to explore how the industry can contribute to the development of cost effective Nordic military capabilities in the future", said Frank Bill, CEO of FAD in Denmark and Chairman of the Joint Nordic Defence Industry Cooperation Group.

“I think it is positive that the four organizations representing Nordic defense industry will be signing a partnership agreement today. It’s a step which will facilitate strengthened mutual cooperation among the Nordic industries– and hopefully enhance the competitive potentials regionally as well as globally”, said Nick Hækkerup, Minister of Defence in Denmark

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