RENAULT TRUCKS Defense to Exhibit at SOFINS Show

10.04.2015 Europe
RENAULT TRUCKS Defense to Exhibit at SOFINS Show

RENAULT TRUCKS Defense to Exhibit at SOFINS Show

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RENAULT TRUCKS Defense is to exhibit a range of Special Forces vehicles on its stand at the SOFINS show to be held at camp de Souge (France) on 14-16 April 2015.

SOFINS (Special Operations Forces Innovation Network Seminary) provides a forum for discussions between the key players of French and foreign special forces and the Defense industry in seeking innovative solutions.

During this event, products and vehicles are to be shown in an exhibition area and during dynamic demonstrations in test areas.

Workshops bringing together SMEs, laboratories and Research & Development sections of Armed Forces will provide an understanding of operational requirements and allow the immediate launching of R&D cooperative programs.

RENAULT TRUCKS Defense will have an inside stand and is also to exhibit 5 vehicles on its outside stand, including:

  • SHERPA Light Scout (RTD), an armored reconnaissance 4x4 vehicle
  • SHERPA FS (RTD), a 10.4-ton, open-top hull, 4x4 adaptation, intended for Special Forces
  • SHERPA APC (RTD), an assault-ladder vehicle version accommodating 10 kitted out operators
  • VLRA 2 Commando (ACMAT), a 12-ton, engagement-proven, open-top hull, 4x4 vehicle carrying 2+6 kitted out men
  • ALTV FS (ACMAT), a 3.5-ton, open-top hull, 4x4 vehicle, carrying 3 kitted out men

The SHERPA Light Scout is to perform dynamic demonstrations in specifically laid out 4x4 areas.

This show provides RENAULT TRUCKS Defense with the opportunity to exhibit and demonstrate its know-how in off-road vehicles and its experience in the Special Forces field.

VOLVO GROUP GOVERNMENTAL SALES, a leading player in the field of wheeled military and security vehicles, is in charge of Defense, Security activities and Emergency services within the Volvo Group, with the following brands: RENAULT TRUCKS Defense, ACMAT Defense, PANHARD Defense, VOLVO Defense and MACK Defense.

RENAULT TRUCKS Defense, one of three participants in the Joint Venture (GME) which was awarded the Scorpion contract by the Minister of Defense on 5 December 2014, is to participate in the development of the French Army's new generation of front-line vehicles Griffon and Jaguar.

RENAULT TRUCKS Defense is in particular responsible for supplying the powertrains for these two vehicles, and for providing the whole supply chain for the spare parts and components of the Scorpion program.


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