Nexter to Supply Optopyrotechnic Detonators for Ariane 6

24.07.2017 Europe
Nexter to Supply Optopyrotechnic Detonators for Ariane 6

Nexter to Supply Optopyrotechnic Detonators for Ariane 6

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Nexter Munitions, subsidiary of the Nexter Group, and ArianeGroup, formerly Airbus Safran Launchers, signed a contract for the development of new generation optopyrotechnic detonator for the Ariane 6 program. These initiator devices enable triggering of launcher pyrotechnic equipment, notably to ignite solid propellant and booster separation engines.

The Optopyrotechnic detonator was developed by the Nexter Munitions center in Tarbes, France and represents a completely new technological approach in the field, using a light energy source instead of an electric current. The use of fiber optics for the detonators instead of copper conductors, allows easy integration into complete structures, considerable weight saving, but also makes the device resistant to any electromechanical attacks.

Vincent Ginabat, Chairman and CEO of Nexter Munitions, said he was “very proud to be able to supply high technology applications guaranteeing access to space. This contract solidifies and ensures a long-term partnership between Nexter Munitions and ArianeGroup.”

Ariane 6 is a program of ArianeGroup, design authority and industrial manager of the launcher, under the European Space Agency (ESA).

Nexter, the leading French land defense company and third European player in the ammunition sector is part of the KNDS Group. It is dedicated to meeting the needs of the land forces of Nations on an international scale. The scope of its business includes the supply of weapon systems and ammunition for air and naval forces. The group continues to apply its international development policy with 60% of the order intake in 2016 intended for the export market.

In France, Nexter is fully committed to meeting the objectives of the SCORPION program, through the renovation of the Leclerc tank and the development of the future VBMR and EBRC vehicles within the GME (temporary business venture between Nexter, Thales and Renault Trucks Defense).

The group’s range of products includes ARAVIS®, TITUS® and VBCI armored vehicles, CAESAR®, TRAJAN® and 105LG1 artillery systems, smart ammunition (BONUS), as well as customer service and support.

Nexter’s 2016 turnover amounted to €866 million, of which 19% is allocated to Research and Development activities.


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