ThalesRaytheonSystems Demos NATO ACCS Interoperability

15.09.2017 Europe
ThalesRaytheonSystems Demos NATO ACCS Interoperability

ThalesRaytheonSystems Demos NATO ACCS Interoperability

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In support of an NCI Agency team, a ThalesRaytheonSystems’ team participated in NATO exercise, Coalition Warfare Interoperability Exercise (CWIX) 2017, supporting the NATO Air Command and Control System (ACCS) capability. NATO ACCS has demonstrated that it is on the right path to deliver an excellent capability which will satisfy operational expectations and needs. Organized by Allied Command Transformation (ACT) one of NATO’s Bi-Strategic Commands, the CWIX 2017 took place over the course of three weeks in June at the Joint Force Training Center in Bydgoszcz, Poland.

NATO ACCS was deployed in a mobile version as one of the three core NATO Air Command and Control (AirC2) systems participating in the Air Room for exchanges both inside NATO as well as with many other National Systems. Data exchange was achieved through multiple connection types such as formatted messages from Allied Data Publication (ADatP-3), the Air Task Order (ATO) and the Airspace Coordination Order (ACO), as well as other standardized messages such as Link 16.

Other data was managed through Joint CHAT (JCHAT) and file exchanges. In the Air Operations Room, Général Denis Mercier, Supreme Allied Commander of Transformation, as well as members of the North Atlantic Council, the Military Committee and the Deputy Commander of Allied Air Command had the opportunity to see the operational performance of ACCS at work.

The Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination, eXercise (CWIX) is the largest annual NATO interoperability event. CWIX 2017 is a computer information systems event that brings together Alliance and Partner nations to solve interoperability challenges by federating people, processes and technology. CWIX is endorsed by the NAC (North Atlantic Council) and directed by the Military Committee. Over 1,000 people from 26 Alliance and Partner Nations as well as NATO have deployed 237 capabilities.

ThalesRaytheonSystems is an international company specializing in air defense systems, command and control systems, 3D air defense radars, battlefield and counterbattery radars.

Since its inception in 2001, ThalesRaytheonSystems has become one of the defense industry’s most successful transatlantic joint ventures. The company employs 1,600 people and is equally owned by Thales and Raytheon.


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