Raytheon: First SLAMRAAM Firing

14.09.2010 North America
Source / copyright : Raytheon Corporation (NYSE: RTN)

Source / copyright : Raytheon Corporation (NYSE: RTN)

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Raytheon's Surface Launched Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (SLAMRAAM) system successfully participated in a ballistic test vehicle (BTV) firing at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.


The test included the firing of multiple AMRAAM missiles from the new Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle (FMTV) platform.The FMTV was chosen as the new platform for the SLAMRAAM system to increase survivability. The new platform provides additional armored capability and is more ruggedized to support the SLAMRAAM mission.

"We continue to partner with the U.S. Army to develop a SLAMRAAM system that is affordable, adaptable and responsive to today's evolving threats," said Karen Kalil-Brown, Vice President, National & Theater Security Programs for Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems. "The firing of an AMRAAM missile from the new FMTV platform culminates the successful efforts of our government-industry team to transition this critical air and missile defense capability to a more survivable platform for our warfighters."

The primary objective of the BTV firing was to characterize missile dynamic launch effects on the new platform. Raytheon Missile Systems, developer and producer of the AMRAAM missile, successfully collected initial launch condition data, which will reduce risk on future potential FMTV missile integration efforts, such as the AIM-9X. Additional BTV missile firings are planned later this month to support Army safety assessments required for manning by soldiers.

SLAMRAAM is a tailorable, state-of-the-art air defense system that can defeat current and emerging cruise missile threats and a wide range of air breathing threats. This affordable adaptation of the AMRAAM to meet emerging needs provides the warfighter with a system of highly mobile battlefield elements networked and geographically distributed to provide integrated fire control capability against airborne threats.



source: asdnews


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