Viper Strike Scores Multiple Hits from KC-130J Harvest HAWK

17.04.2012 North America
Viper Strike Scores Multiple Hits from KC-130J Harvest HAWK

Viper Strike Scores Multiple Hits from KC-130J Harvest HAWK

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MBDA Incorporated’s GBU-44/E Viper Strike munition scored multiple direct hits from a U.S. Marine Corps KC-130J Harvest HAWK aircraft during developmental testing at Naval Air Warfare Center’s China Lake, California Weapons Station.

Viper Strike is a glide munition capable of precision attack from extended stand-off ranges using GPS-aided navigation and a semi-active laser seeker.  Its small size, precision and high agility provides a very low collateral damage weapon that is effective against stationary and moving targets.

Using the new pressurized “derringer door” launcher on Harvest HAWK, Viper Strike successfully launched and scored multiple direct hits on tactical targets.

The new derringer door launcher uses a side door in the fuselage and enables the aircraft to launch and reload Stand Off Precision Guided Munitions while the aircraft remains pressurized.   This allows the aircraft to extend standoff ranges while reducing the time to acquire and attack a target, increasing the likelihood of a successful engagement with the Viper Strike.

Viper Strike also proved its new fast attack software load that greatly enhances the weapon’s effectiveness against time sensitive targets.  Combined with its top-attack mode of operation, the weapon can safely attack targets that are either ground or air-designated.

Viper Strike is in production at MBDA Incorporated’s Huntsville, Alabama facility.  

“Viper Strike provides the right characteristics needed to support our warfighters in both current and future fights - high precision and agility to hit moving and stationary targets in complex terrain and with very low collateral damage,” said Jerry Agee, President and CEO of MBDA Incorporated.

With industrial facilities in four European countries and within the USA, MBDA has an annual turnover of $3.9 billion and an order book of $14 billion. With more than 90 Armed Forces customers in the world, MBDA is a world leader in missiles and missile systems.

MBDA is the only group capable of designing and producing missiles and missile systems that correspond to the full range of current and future operational needs of the three Armed Forces (Land, Sea and Air). In total, the group offers a range of 45 missile systems and countermeasures products already in operational service and more than 15 others currently in development.

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