HENSOLDT South Africa Launches New Radar Business

05.02.2021 North America
HENSOLDT South Africa Launches New Radar Business

HENSOLDT South Africa Launches New Radar Business

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Sensor solutions house HENSOLDT South Africa haslaunched its new radar business after acquiring the Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Defence &Security business units of Tellumat at the end of 2020. Together with the company’s existing radarand other capabilities, these business lines are integrated to form the Radar Business Unit ofHENSOLDT South Africa.

The acquired activities represent an extensive portfolio, more than 50 years of expertise in thedefence electronics landscape and a workforce of over 100 employees. “With the integration of theTellumat Defence & Security and ATM business units into HENSOLDT South Africa, we are nowrepresenting the three major sensor solution business lines of the HENSOLDT Group here in SouthAfrica,” said Rynier van der Watt, Managing Director of HENSOLDT South Africa.

Through this acquisition, HENSOLDT South Africa’s capabilities are expanded with a new portfolioarea, centering around radar, IFF and datalinks. The radar offering focuses on naval and land radar,which will include leading-edge new development in this product range. Identification friend or foe(IFF) and datalinks will also be offered, where HENSOLDT is inheriting a world-class product range that it aims to enhance even further. Finally, air traffic management (ATM) and radar servicesbecome part of the overall portfolio, with the aim of expanding the ATM services and developingexisting radar support services into full-blown maintenance, repair and operations (MRO).

Heading up these activities is Bennie Langenhoven, Chief Executive of the Radar Business Unit,previously the head of Tellumat’s ATM business unit. “Launching the Radar Business Unit ofHENSOLDT South Africa is a strategic expansion of HENSOLDT’s radar business with the goal tobecome the leading manufacturer and said noted Langenhoven.

The South African radar capability will integrate with and expand on the Group’s existing radarproducts. In addition to providing the latest radartechnology, HENSOLDT South Africa also offers midlife upgrades to extend the life of existing radarsystems, especially in cases where budget constraints limit or prevent the acquisition of new radars.

The acquisition also gives rise to strong synergies between HENSOLDT South Africa’s Radar,Optronics and GEW business units, with collaboration envisioned on various fronts. The ASTUStactical surveillance unmanned aerial system (UAS), previously part of the Defence & Securitybusiness unit in Tellumat, is being integrated into HENSOLDT South Africa’s Optronics portfolio aspart of the company’s strong airborne capability. The ASTUS’ exceptional product offering,combined with HENSOLDT’s design, manufacturing and certification competency, gives ASTUS theopportunity to become a world-class product and game changer in the market.

Through its Optronics and GEW business units, HENSOLDT South Africa has already achievedsignificant success as a sensor solutions house in the world market, delivering more than 55products into 40 export countries, with a combined heritage of 70 years. HENSOLDT South Africanow increases its portfolio to more than 60 products, exported to over 43 countries.

HENSOLDT South Africa aims to be a leader in driving innovation and fostering local expertise. “The Radar business unit will alsobecome the custodian of the HENSOLDT South Africa engineering hub, where we will be incubatingnew radar products to support the HENSOLDT Group,” said Van der Watt.

The HENSOLDT Group is expanding its radar product portfolio through the development of a nextgeneration air defence radar product range in HENSOLDT South Africa. “This development marksthe first time that a new HENSOLDT tactical air defence radar for land and sea is developed outsideGermany,” said Erwin Paulus, Head of HENSOLDT’s Radar Division.

The company is pleased that this development will also contribute to the country’s wider technical and defence industry, as well as the growth of the economy. “Partnerships with local industry players are currently one of our focus areas,” said Langenhoven.  

With an extensive portfolio representing all HENSOLDT’s major business lines, five sites in South Africa and now employing a workforce of more than 700 employees, HENSOLDT South Africa is the Group’s biggest industrial footprint outside Europe.


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