Iraq Orders F-16 Weapons, Munitions, Equipment, Logistics

Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA)22.01.2016 Iraq
Iraq Orders F-16 Weapons, Munitions, Equipment, Logistics

Iraq Orders F-16 Weapons, Munitions, Equipment, Logistics

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The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Iraq for F-16 weapons, munitions, equipment, and logistics support. The estimated cost is $1.950 billion.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on January 15, 2016.

The Government of Iraq requested a possible sale of additional weapons, munitions, equipment, and logistics support for its F-16 aircraft.

Major Defense Equipment (MDE) includes:

  • Twenty (20) each Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)
  • Twenty-four (24) each AIM-9M Sidewinder missile
  • One hundred and fifty (150) each AGM-65D/G/H/K Maverick missile
  • Fourteen thousand one hundred and twenty (14,120) each 500-lb General Purpose (GP) bomb body/warhead for use either as unguided or guided bombs. Depending on asset availability during case execution, total quantity of 14,120 each 500-lb warheads will comprise a mix of MK-82 500-lb warheads and/or BLU-111 500-lb warheads from stock and/or new contract procurement.
  • Two thousand four hundred (2,400) each 2,000-lb GP bomb body/warheads for use either as unguided or guided bombs. Depending on asset availability during case execution, total quantity of 2,400 each 2,000-lb warheads will comprise a mix of MK-84 2,000-lb warheads and/or BLU-117 2,000-lb warheads from stock and/or new contract procurement.
  • Eight thousand (8,000) each Laser Guided Bomb (LGB) Paveway II tail kits. Will be combined with 500-lb warheads in the above entry for MK-82 and/or BLU-111 to build GBU-12 guided bombs.
  • Two hundred and fifty (250) each LGB Paveway II tail kits. Will be combined with 2,000-lb warheads in the above entry for MK-82 and/or BLU-117 to build GBU-10 guided bombs.
  • One hundred and fifty (150) each LGB Paveway III tail kits. Will be combined with 2,000-lb warheads in the above entry for MK-82 and/or BLU-117 to build GBU-24 guided bombs.
  • 8,500 each FMU-152 fuzes. Will be used in conjunction with the LGB tail kits and warheads in the above entries to build GBU All Up Rounds (AUR's). Includes provisioning for spare FMU-152 fuze units (MDE).
  • Four (4) each WGU-43CD2/B Guidance Control Units
  • One (1) each M61 Vulcan Rotary 20mm cannon
  • Six (6) each MK-82 inert bomb
  • Four (4) each MK-84 inert bomb

Also included are items of significant military equipment (SME), spare and repair parts, publications, technical documents, weapons components, support equipment, personnel training, training equipment, Aviation Training, Contract Engineering Services, U.S. Government and contractor logistics, engineering, and technical support services, as well as other related elements of logistics and program support. Additional services provided are Aviation Contract Logistics Services including maintenance, supply, component repair/return, tools and manpower.

This notification also includes Base Operations Support Services including construction, outfitting, supply, security, weapons, ammunition, vehicles, utilities, power generation, food, water, morale/recreation services, aircraft support and total manpower.

Iraq previously purchased 36 F-16 aircraft. Iraq requires these additional weapons, munitions, and technical services to maintain the operational capabilities of its aircraft. This proposed sale enables Iraq to fully maintain and employ its aircraft and sustain pilot training to effectively protect Iraq from current and future threats.

Implementation of this proposed sale requires approximately 400 U.S. Government and contractor personnel to reside in Iraq through calendar year 2020.

There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.


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