Jordan: Homeland Security Software Deployed

27.04.2011 Jordan
Jordan: Homeland Security Software Deployed

Jordan: Homeland Security Software Deployed

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EdgeFrontier middleware from Augusta Systems has been deployed in a major homeland security initiative in the Kingdom of Jordan.

Used in conjunction with Intergraph's incident management software for public safety and security, EdgeFrontier assists the kingdom in preventing and responding to local and regional security emergencies and threats, including terrorism.

The homeland security initiative supports police, fire and emergency response agency operations throughout the 648-square mile capital city of Amman and in surrounding cities including Zarqa and Madaba, providing seamless, coordinated response during multi-agency and multi-incident emergencies.

Working with Intergraph's software, EdgeFrontier provides a platform for tying together diverse security and emergency response systems through integration and normalization of data, events and control functions.

"Converging data from different systems provides the foundation for Intergraph's public safety and security solution for Jordan, enabling faster threat assessment and emergency incident response," said Jack Pellicci, Brigadier General, US Army (Ret.), President and CEO, Intergraph Government Solutions.  "Through its integration and policy management capabilities, EdgeFrontier helps us to lay this foundation and ensure a comprehensive, interoperable solution."

The combined public safety and security solution will be rolled out nationwide and will include advanced, comprehensive access control and video assessment capabilities for Jordan's critical infrastructure, enabling security personnel to quickly view and determine the location of an incident, analyze threat assessment and choose the appropriate response resources.  Additionally, the system will provide a comprehensive security overview of areas of operations, as well as real-time information regarding designated units' related activities.

"In emergency situations, security and safety officials need rapid and reliable information," said Patrick Esposito, President & Chief Executive Officer of Augusta Systems. "Through its integration and policy management capabilities, EdgeFrontier from Augusta Systems allows for more efficient and effective data management and communication and better situational awareness. We are honored to work with Intergraph in supporting this important homeland security effort for Jordan."


For more information, check Al-Defaiya Issue # 2/2011 


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