German Arms Sales to Arab Countries Rise by 50%

Associated Press (AP)14.08.2015 Kuwait
German Arms Sales to Arab Countries Rise by 50%

German Arms Sales to Arab Countries Rise by 50%

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German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel earlier announced a reduction in arms exports. However, exports to Arab States have increased by 50% despite his recent statements, German media reported.

German arms exports to Arab countries have doubled, with German tanks being especially popular among importers of military equipment.

The exports are considered controversial by many experts: earlier German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel announced his intention to reduce German weapons supplies to other countries.

According to Der Spiegel, the German government approved considerably more arms exports between January and late June 2015 than in the same period last year. The overall amount of so-called individual licenses increased by around 50% and reached 3.31 billion Euros. Along with collective export licenses - mainly in collaboration with NATO partners – the sum amounts to around 6.35 billion euros.

The rise in export volumes especially concerned Arab countries and North Africa. The arms supplies to these regions have nearly doubled from 219 to 587 million euros.

According to Der Spiegel, Germany lately exported 12 “Fuchs” tanks to Kuwait, four tankers to Great Britain and a “Dolphin” class submarine to Israel.

Source: AP; Der Spiegel


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