Italian Customs Service delivers three FPB to Libyan Coast Guard

20.06.2009 Libya
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On May 14th 2009, the Italian Customs Service officially delivered three BIGLIANI-class fast patrol boats to the Libyan Coast Guard.

These 27-m long FPB belong to the Series I and II of their class and joined the Italian Customs Service starting in 1986. The Libyan Coast Guard will deploy the new vessels to control the illegal immigration to Italy from the Libyan shores. Some weeks later, Italian Customs delivered three more BIGLIANI-class FPB to the Libyan Coast Guard, under the terms of the agreement Italy and Libya signed on December, 29th, 2007, providing for the Italian support to the Libyan forces to counter the illegal immigration stream which carries dozens of thousands of immigrants to Southern Italy yearly starting from Libya. The Libyan crews for the new FPB were trained at Italian Customs Naval School in Gaeta, and Italian Customs personnel also will provide technical support for the BIGLIANI FPB at the Zuwarah Libyan Harbour.

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