Arab League Criticizes Strikes on Libya

Reuters20.03.2011 Libya
Arab League Criticizes Strikes on Libya

Arab League Criticizes Strikes on Libya

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Arab League Chief Amr Moussa on Sunday criticized Western forces' strikes on Libya, saying the 'military operations have gone beyond what the Arabs had envisaged' and condemned the 'bombardment of civilians.'

In comments carried by Egypt's official state news agency, Moussa said what was happening was not what Arabs had envisaged when they called for the imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya.

'What is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone, and what we want is the protection of civilians and not the bombardment of more civilians,' he said.

Moussa said he was calling for an emergency Arab League meeting.

He was joined by Russia which, too, sought an end to 'indiscriminate use of force' by foreign states taking part in military operations in Libya.

'We urge the relevant states to stop the indiscriminate use of force,' Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in the statement.

He said the air raids had included attacks on non-military targets in Libya, and had damaged roads, bridges, and a cardiology center.

'We proceed from the inadmissibility of using the Resolution 1973 mandate for ends that clearly overstep its framework, which stipulates only measures to protect the civilian population,' said the statement.

Moscow on Saturday said it 'regrets' the intervention in Libya which it said 'was adopted in haste.'

Aerial attacks on Tripoli, Tarhuna, Mamura and Jmail killed 48 and wounded over 150 civilians, the Russian statement said. A Libyan government health official said the death toll from the Western air strikes had risen to 64 on Sunday after some of the wounded died.


Source: Reuters



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