Exocet MM40 Block 3 Missiles for Qatar's Navy

23.04.2010 Qatar

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MBDA is pleased to announce that the Qatari Emiri Navy will procure a batch of Exocet MM40 Block 3 missiles to equip its fleet of four Vita class Patrol Boats.

This latest generation of naval superiority missile has a significantly extended range thanks to its turbojet propulsion. And thanks to its GPS navigation, the new Exocet MM40 Block 3 is able to strike a target designated by its geographical coordinates, while remaining compatible with existing MM40 launchers.

The Commander of the Qatari Emiri Naval Forces (QENF), Staff Brigadier (SEA) Mohammed Bin Nasser Al Mohannadi, said “The missile development project is in line with our development plan to update the Qatari Emiri Naval Forces. It is an integrated project which includes training officers and other navy personnel to deal with modernised missile systems, the development of missile launcher systems and updating with the latest technology in the field”.

Antoine Bouvier, CEO of MBDA, stated: “I am honoured that the Qatari Emiri Navy, one of the region’s most demanding armed forces, has decided to prolong its partnership with MBDA which already dates back several decades. In choosing Exocet MM40 Block 3, the Qatari Emiri Navy is not only opting for the most modern of anti-ship capabilities it is also maximising its past investment in the Exocet family, as well as benefiting from all the advantages associated with a weapon series that has achieved sales of 3,500 units around the world”.

The EXOCET family has an OTH (Over The Horizon) firing capability and a range of other operational benefits including :
•    low radar signature
•    late seeker activation
•    sea-skimming at very low altitude
•    enhanced target selection and ECCM (Electronic counter-countermeasures)
•    high penetration capability against modern naval air defences

Since entering service in 1972, 3,500 EXOCET missiles, in all configurations, have been sold to 35 countries.

MM40 Block3 has been ordered by the French Navy and will equip its variant of the Franco-Italian FREMM frigate. It has also been ordered by several other export customers. In March 2010, the French navy carried out an operational firing of an Exocet MM40 Block3 from its Horizon class Chevalier Paul frigate.


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