ADSB Showcases Top Defence Projects

12.05.2010 UAE

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Abu Dhabi Ship Building (ADSB), a specialist in the construction, repair and refit, of naval, military and commercial vessels, showcased its top Gulf defence-related projects at 'Indian Ocean Naval Symposium' (IONS) held in the UAE capital.

The biennial IONS is a pan-Asian maritime security forum comprising 32 regular member countries aimed at enhancing maritime cooperation among navies and maritime agencies patrolling the Indian Ocean region.

The inaugural symposium was held in New Delhi, India in 2008, with succeeding sessions to be rotated among the 32 regular country members.
This year's edition was chaired by the UAE Navy and held under the theme 'Together for the Reinforcement of Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean.'

During the event, ADSB Chairman Homaid Al Shemmari made a presentation titled 'Promotion of technical cooperation including repairs and refit efforts with maritime neighbours'.

As a Silver Sponsor of IONS 2010, ADSB highlighted its key projects, including its Baynunah Class 72m Corvette project and Ghannatha Class 25m fast craft for the UAE Navy; 42m Landing Craft and 16m Seakeeper Fast landing crafts for the Royal Bahrain Naval Force.

These vessels are examples of projects that showcase ADSB's expertise in building complex multi task warships with different sizes in steel, aluminium alloy and composite materials, Al Shemmari explained.


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