GCC Joint Defense Council Holds 17th Meeting

BNA ONA WAM24.11.2020 UAE
GCC Joint Defense Council Holds 17th Meeting

GCC Joint Defense Council Holds 17th Meeting

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The 17th session of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Joint Defense Council held its 17th session via video conferencing Sunday, with the attendance of Dr. Nayef Falah M. Al Hajraf, GCC Secretary-General.

The meeting discussed topics listed on its agenda, which were raised by the Supreme Military Committee of the GCC Chiefs-of-Staff. It also reviewed the achievements made and the results reached in the joint military fields.

The meeting also touched on several military topics of common interest that enhance the military cooperation march within the GCC framework in a manner that achieves the GCC joint interests according to the Joint Defense Agreements among the member states.

At the end of the meeting, the GCC Ministers of Defense underscored the importance of continuing the joint effort in a manner that achieves military cooperation among the GCC states in translation of the objectives of the GCC leaders.

Several decisions and recommendations were taken that will be submitted at the 41st Summit of the Supreme Council of the GCC Leaders scheduled to be held in December 2020.

Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Bowardi (photo), Minister of State for Defense Affairs, headed the UAE delegation at this session. In his opening speech, he highlighted the necessity of developing the capacities of the GCC’s unified military leadership, Emirates news agency WAM reported.

“Based on our experience in the UAE, we believe that the Armed Forces have the necessary resources, capacities and expertise to face emergencies, crises and disasters, to play a key and active role in combatting the pandemic,” Al Bowardi said.

“Pandemics can have a similar effect to weapons of mass destruction, as they pose a serious threat to national security. Therefore, we recommend advancing the capacities of our unified military leadership to face similar threats in the future,” he noted.

“According to what the Supreme Military Committee presented in its report on the region’s situation and the nature of the security and military threats facing our countries, and under the framework of our mutual fate in the region, our joint military and defense cooperation and the close coordination between our countries will remain our guarantee and shield us from threats and risks. Therefore, it is highly important to reinforce our capacities to defend the sovereignty and independence of our countries, to achieve regional peace and stability in the GCC region,” Al Bowardi added.

For his part, Sayyid Shihab bin Tarik bin Taimour al-Said, Oman’s Deputy Prime Minister for Defense Affairs also took part in deliberations of the 17th meeting of the Joint Ministers of Defense. Present at the meeting was Lt. General Ahmed bin Harith al-Nabhani, Chief-of-Staff of the Sultan’s Armed Forces (SAF), Oman News Agency (ONA) reported.

According to Bahrain News Agency (BNA), Defense Affairs Minister Lieutenant General Abdulla bin Hassan Al-Nuaimi chaired Bahrain’s delegation in the 17th GCC Defense Ministers Council meeting. 


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