Raytheon Unveils Cyber, Electromagnetic Battle Management Tool

25.08.2016 Security
Raytheon Unveils Cyber, Electromagnetic Battle Management Tool

Raytheon Unveils Cyber, Electromagnetic Battle Management Tool

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Raytheon Company showcased Cyber and Electromagnetic Battle Management, a new battle management tool, at Cyber Quest, a U.S. Army event that informs cybersecurity requirements and priorities. CEMBM integrates cyber and electromagnetic spectrum awareness capabilities into the Electronic Warfare Program Management Tool, an Army program of record since 2014.

“CEMBM was one tool we experimented with, and each tool showed us a different level of the 'art of the possible' regarding the convergence of EW and cyber,” said Major Steve Roberts, Cyber Branch Chief, Cyber Battle Lab, Cyber Center of Excellence.

Raytheon’s EWPMT focuses on the ability to see and understand events in the electromagnetic spectrum. CEMBM provides a shared situational understanding of electronic warfare, EMS and cyber, and management and control of organic assets.

Using CEMBM, EW officers can determine the best path forward without being jammed or discovered; jam the enemy's communication ability; and if there are cyber emitters, disrupt the ability to use them.

“The challenge lies in operating in the EMS while managing it in a way that minimizes negative impacts to other players and parts of the mission,” said Frank Pietryka, Director, Airborne Information Operations at Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems.

“With CEMBM, teams now have a common operational picture where they can move back and forth, at will, between cyber, EMS and physical terrains. It is a true game changer,” he added.

Raytheon Company, with 2015 sales of $23 billion and 61,000 employees, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, civil government and cybersecurity solutions.

With a history of innovation spanning 94 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration, C5I™ products and services, sensing, effects, and mission support for customers in more than 80 countries.



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