Dubai Civil Aviation Authority Presents “Aviation Safety Culture”

01.11.2012 Aviation & Space
Dubai Civil Aviation Authority Presents “Aviation Safety Culture”

Dubai Civil Aviation Authority Presents “Aviation Safety Culture”

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Held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saaed al Maktoum, President, Dubai Civil Aviation Authority; Chairman Dubai Airports and Chairman and Chief Executive, Emirates Airline & Group, Aviation Safety Culture will take place 20-21 January 2013, Dubai, UAE.

Presented by Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Aviation Safety Culture is a strategic industry gathering to establish the highest standards of safety across the regional aviation workplace and discuss the challenges in doing this.

The Aviation Safety Culture Conference will be addressed by global safety experts and industry leaders from inside and outside the aviation sector that have run successful safety programs and will give us a unique opportunity to learn from their experiences.

Over 300 regional aviation officials representing airports, airlines, regulators and industry stakeholders are expected to attend the event to discuss how the regional aviation industry can develop a company-wide safety culture and the advantages, challenges and planning associated with this.


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