KADDB, Paramount Create “Arabian Defence Industries”

08.05.2014 Joint Ventures
KADDB, Paramount Create “Arabian Defence Industries”

KADDB, Paramount Create “Arabian Defence Industries”

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The King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB) through its commercial and investment arm KADDB Investment Group (KIG), has announced a strategic joint venture with Paramount Group, Africa’s largest defence and aerospace business

in a move that will see the production of battle tested and proven defence technologies in Jordan for Armed Forces across the Middle East and North Africa.

The newly created defence company, Arabian Defence Industries (ADI) which was announced at the Special Operations Forces Exhibition & Conference (SOFEX, Jordan; 6-8 May 2014) in Amman signals an important milestone in the continuing growth of the defence industrial capability in the Middle East.

The joining of these two world leaders has created a formidable force which positions it as a leader in defence industrialization in the region giving it the advantage of integrating cutting edge capabilities and technologies across land systems and aerospace.

ADI will be able to rapidly respond to its customers by providing bespoke solutions to meet their diverse and dynamic requirements.

The signing of the joint venture agreement by the Chairman of KIG, Shadi-Ramzi al-Majali and the Executive Chairman of Paramount Group, Ivor Ichikowitz will be followed by announcements revealing details of joint industrialisation programs, including the major production of military equipment, the integration of defence systems and development of innovations by the new defence company.

Al-Majali said: "ADI brings together leaders in defence and aerospace innovation in a strong and unique partnership which will deliver world class technologies and solutions, from the latest in armoured vehicle technologies to sophisticated aerospace technologies, including modernisation and upgrade capabilities of fighter and rotary wing aircraft for the specific requirements of defence forces in the region.”

Ivor Ichikowitz, Executive Chairman of Paramount Group said: “Through ADI it is our intention to transfer skills, technology and advanced defence capability into the Middle East. It is our intention to develop manufacturing facilities, establish research and development facilities, and create a strong Middle East - African partnership that will be extremely beneficial as these two regions come together.”

“It is a great privilege to partner with the King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau through its investment group, KIG. This is an organisation that we respect, it has a reputation for innovation and there are great synergies between our organisations that will bring huge benefits to our customers,” he added.

“In South Africa we have a strong developed defence and aerospace industry. We have the capability to compete effectively with Europe and the US. Our industry has built a track record over many decades for groundbreaking innovations and technologies. The creation of ADI is a breakthrough for a new era of defence collaboration between Africa and the Middle East that will result in an upsurge of innovation, skills development and job creation in both regions,” he continued.

“The Middle East is a natural defence partner for South Africa. This new partnership with Paramount will strengthen industrialisation across the Middle East. The region is moving away from being consumers of defence and aerospace technologies to the manufacture of our own products and technologies. It is here where our respective industries have found important synergies that will act as a catalyst for innovation and industrialisation.” added Al-Majali.

He concluded: “ADI is the nucleus of an Arabian defence company that will invite other partners to participate and become the pre-eminent Arabian defence player. We are already supported by a number of governments in the Middle East which makes the establishment of ADI one of the most exciting developments in the defence industry today.”



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