Iran Unveils Hoveizeh Long-Range Cruise Missile

File Photo:FNA FNA05.02.2019 Products
Iran Unveils Hoveizeh Long-Range Cruise Missile

Iran Unveils Hoveizeh Long-Range Cruise Missile

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Iran on Saturday unveiled its newly-developed long-range cruise missile named Hoveizeh (photo) in a ceremony participated by Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami.

“The range of Hoveizeh missile is over 1,350 km and it is good for targeting ground targets,” Hatami said, addressing the ceremony.

He mentioned rapid reaction, low flight altitude, high precision in navigation and high destruction power as among the main features of the missile.

“Hoveizeh ground-to-ground cruise missile has been test-fired in a 1,200-km range and it managed to precisely hit the specified target,” Hatami said, adding that the missile will increase the Iranian Armed Forces' capabilities and Iran's deterrence power.

The missile is due to be delivered to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force.

Iran also announced it has mounted its home-made guided warheads on its most destructive and longest range Khorramshahr missiles.

The new generation of missiles with guided warheads has been named Khorramshahr 2 and they can be controlled until hitting the target and are able to carry warheads weighing nearly 2 tons.

The new warheads had earlier been mounted on Iran’s home-made Emad missiles and Qadr and Qiam ballistic missiles.

Khorramshahr is a ballistic missile which has a range of 2,000 kilometers and is capable of carrying multiple warheads. 



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