LS Telcom Offers Radio Monitoring, Spectrum Management Systems in the Middle East

02.10.2015 Oman
LS Telcom Offers Radio Monitoring, Spectrum Management Systems in the Middle East

LS Telcom Offers Radio Monitoring, Spectrum Management Systems in the Middle East

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LS telcom is an expert in the development and integration of automated spectrum management, radio monitoring, and direction finding systems. It provides its own systems, SPECTRA for spectrum management and LS OBSERVER for radio monitoring and intelligent data collection, and integrates these systems in addition to traditional radio monitoring and direction finding solutions.

The implementation ranges from portable, mobile and fixed monitoring stations, to complete monitoring operation centres and other shelterised systems.

For the military LS telcom has developed the “Combined and Interoperable Spectrum Management and Monitoring System”. The system combines LS telcom’s hardware monitoring system LS OBSERVER with the spectrum management software system SPECTRAmil.

LS OBSERVER works on the basis of distributed monitoring devices. These measure the complete frequency range and enable the armed forces to populate a database with real spectrum usage data, the foundation of secure frequency allocation in the operational area.

The automated spectrum management system SPECTRAmil consists of the central and secured database of spectrum information and several task specific software modules for tactical mission planning, military spectrum engineering, and electronic warfare operations. It supports all organisational units of the armed forces at strategic, operational, and tactical levels. The integrated software system SPECTRAmil combined with LS OBSERVER provides full control of the electromagnetic spectrum to the operational command at any time of operations.

Frequency regulatory authorities, Ministries of Telecommunications and Interior, military organisations, network operators and infrastructure providers in over 90 countries across all continents rely on LS telcom’s solutions and services.

Headquartered in Lichtenau, Baden, Germany, LS telcom operates worldwide with subsidiaries in France, Canada, USA, and South Africa, as well as affiliates and representative offices in Dubai, Hungary, China, and Oman.

LS telcom serves its customers in the Middle East, from its offices in Dubai and Oman. The local team consists of technical support and maintenance engineers, system designers and programmers, technical and strategic consultants, as well as sales and administrative support. The team speaks multiple languages and is reinforced by LS telcom headquarters in Germany and the whole LS telcom group.

Numerous frequency regulatory authorities in the Middle East – of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, as well as military and security organisations and Ministries of Interior in the region, use LS telcom’s spectrum management system and radio monitoring solutions.

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of Oman won an Award for eGovernment services with LS telcom’s SPECTRA. TRA’s complete spectrum management life cycle is based on LS telcom’s Advanced Automated Spectrum Manage­ment System (AASMS). Seamless integra­tion and data exchange is guaranteed between the different administrative and technical system components as well as remote and third party software systems. The system processes 60 dif­ferent commercial transactions in addi­tion to a tremendous amount of technical data analyses.

Photo: LS telcom Mobile Monitoring Unit



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