Nexter Artillery & Weapon Systems at ShieldAfrica 2017

25.01.2017 Africa
Nexter Artillery & Weapon Systems at ShieldAfrica 2017

Nexter Artillery & Weapon Systems at ShieldAfrica 2017

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Nexter is present at the 2017 edition of ShieldAfrica which takes place in Abidjan from 24 to 26 January.

With two centuries’ of experience and internationally-recognized expertise, Nexter ranks amongst the world’s top five weapon and artillery systems manufacturers. The group relies notably on its perfect mastery of the weapon/ammunition combination and offers a comprehensive range of products for equipping artillery battalions ranging from guns to ammunition and from portable ballistic computers (BACARA®) to fire control systems (FINDART®).

The CAESAR® 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer, deployed by the French SERVAL operation in Mali, as well as in Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq, is recognized worldwide as being the best compromise between the simplicity of towed artillery and the mobility of a self-propelled system.

CAESAR® is not only extremely accurate and highly mobile for evading counter-battery fire, but also has the lowest life costs of any mobile artillery system on the market. In service with the armed forces of France, Indonesia, Thailand and those of a Middle Eastern country, over 270 CAESAR® systems have already been produced. They have fired in excess of 80,000 rounds and travelled more than a million kilometers. A model of CAESAR® is on display at the Nexter stand.

Next to it is a model of the 105 LG1 towed 105mm artillery system, deployable from a lightweight vehicle, a helicopter or even air-droppable. The 105 LG1 howitzer is the world’s lightest 105mm assault artillery weapon and is ideal for providing supporting fire to rapid reaction forces. The 105 LG1 is in service with the armed forces of Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Belgium, Canada and Colombia.

Land, air-land and naval weapon systems that rely on the famous Nexter 20mm cannon, such as the P20 (armament for lightweight vehicles), the POD NC621 (Pod cannon for helicopters and light aircraft) the NARWHAL® (the remotely-operated and stabilized naval gun turret), or the 15A/15B (lightweight naval mounting) are also taking pride of place on the stand.

Nexter, the leading French land defense company is a KNDS Group company. It is dedicated to meeting the needs of French and other land forces internationally. The scope of its business includes the supply of weapon systems and ammunition for air and naval forces. The acquisition of Belgian company Mecar and Italian company Simmel Difesa enabled the establishment, along with Nexter Munitions, of the third European player in the ammunition sector.

Nexter also offers systems and protection solutions for the homeland security market. The group continues its international development policy with 55% of order intake in 2015 destined for the export market. In France, Nexter is fully committed to meeting the objectives of the SCORPION program, through the renovation of the Leclerc tank and the development of the future GRIFFON and JAGUAR vehicles within the GME (temporary consortium between Nexter, Thales and Renault Trucks Defense).

Nexter’s 2015 turnover amounted to €1.07 billion, of which 14% is allocated to Research and Development activities. The group's range of products consists of ARAVIS®, TITUS® and VBCI armored vehicles, CAESAR®, TRAJAN® and 105LG1 artillery systems, smart ammunition (BONUS), as well as customer service, support and recycling.


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