MBDA & DCI-COFRAS Sign Training MoU

07.07.2011 Europe
MBDA & DCI-COFRAS Sign Training MoU

MBDA & DCI-COFRAS Sign Training MoU

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MBDA France and DCI-COFRAS, DCI’s Land Force and Military Police Department, announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)to reinforce their common offer of training covering MBDA’s products and solutions in the anti-tank, long range artillery and air defence domains for ground forces.


Customers will benefit as a result from MBDA’s technical expertise as well as DCI’s tactical expertise.

In particular, this MoU defines MBDA’s and DCI’s respective areas of responsibility and the means by which the two organizations will coordinate their actions.

Exploiting the synergies as well as optimizing the combined skills of MBDA and DCI should offer the best way of meeting the operational expectations of the end user.

Pascal Gendre, Group Director, Customer Services and Support said: “The programs we are now proposing to our export customers are becoming more and more personalized. It was therefore necessary to formalize and perpetuate a relationship with a specialist such as DCI in the tactical use of weapons. The link up with DCI-COFRAS will thereby guarantee a more comprehensive training to our customers“.

General Xavier de Zuchowicz, Executive VP of DCI-COFRAS, added: “We are very happy with this cooperation with MBDA. We are reinforcing our mutual strength at the heart of a French team. This will guarantee much greater customer satisfaction. Indeed, our joint involvement will lead to our customers getting a faster operational understanding of new systems and thereby ultimately reinforcing their defense capabilities”.


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