ITEC 2015 to Focus on Military Training & Simulation

28.04.2015 Europe
ITEC 2015 to Focus on Military Training & Simulation

ITEC 2015 to Focus on Military Training & Simulation

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What will the military simulation and training landscape look like in five, ten, twenty years? ITEC 2015 which takes places on 28-30 April at PVA Expo, Prague, will host forward-looking debates with three keynote panel sessions featuring international industry pioneers.

Running over 3 days of the conference (April 28, 29 and 30) the streams will include Australian, UK, Swedish, Czech, Canadian and US perspectives on a strategic roadmap for defense MS&T.

The 26th ITEC begins today in Prague with a keynote address given by General Petr Pavel who holds the role of Chief of the General Staff, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic. General Pavel will use ITEC to tackle the crucial question Policy to Strategy: what does the future hold?

Following the opening presentation, the General will be joined by an eminent panel of international senior officers and experts to further examine this headline issue. Each will call on their own experiences and responsibilities to illustrate current thinking on how policy goals can be translated into successful training strategy. Particular reference will be given to the role of the training and education industry in enabling the achievement of these military objectives.

The panel will also be asked to examine how individuals are to be trained in the future in light of the expanding requirements placed on the modern soldier. Many roles, including those in the military, have become increasingly specialized, yet the Armed Forces are now expected to do more with less. ITEC will address the impact on training, as future forces need regular reskilling.

The keynote panel includes:

  • Brigadier General Jan Kase of the Czech Armed Forces
  • Brigadier Peter Gates, Commandant, Australian Command &Staff College, ACSC HQ
  • Pete Morrison, Co-CEO, Bohemia Interactive Solutions

This year's program has been developed to highlight five key trends affecting the MS&T market: internationality; interoperability; technologies; the human dimension; and procurement.

Throughout two decades ITEC has provided a forum for the display of significant new training capabilities and the discussion of issues of key importance to the global training community.

Today, ITEC is jointly owned by Clarion Events and NTSA. Clarion Events, the majority stakeholder, is well known for running defense and security conferences and exhibitions, including Defense & Security Equipment International (DSEI), Counter Terror Expo (CTX) and Undersea Defense Technology (UDT).


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