Eurofighter Typhoon Proves Swing Role Capabilities

05.12.2017 Europe
Eurofighter Typhoon Proves Swing Role Capabilities

Eurofighter Typhoon Proves Swing Role Capabilities

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Eurofighter Typhoon has proved its swing role capabilities on operations, according to Royal Air Force Air Vice Marshal Gerry Mayhew, Air Officer Commanding No 1 Group.

AVM Mayhew said that Typhoon’s role had matured over two years of coalition operations. “Throughout that time Typhoon has evolved from simply a kinetic operation to a swing role, with the aircraft working effectively alongside many coalition partners,” he said.

“We have built up a great deal of experience in Typhoon working swing role and working with many other different types of aircraft where we are able to datalink - using the links for both kinetic and air-to-air operations,” he added.

AVM Mayhew said that away from deployed operations and Quick Reaction Alert air policing activity, his focus for the UK’s Typhoon Force was on growth both in terms of fleet numbers and capability.

“We are looking forward to bringing on two more Typhoon squadrons in the next few years. Those will be front line squadrons and that will be a continued input into operational growth.

“This is also about bringing in capability growth. This includes a new radar and a program called Project Centurion which is a crossover from Tornado. That is largely the long-range weapon but also Meteor and Brimstone which will be drawn from Tornado onto Typhoon within the next 18 months, which will allow us to retire Tornado in 2019.

“Project Centurion is very important to us and we are holding the companies very much on contract to make sure we meet those timelines to ensure we have an even more effective operational Typhoon Force with the capabilities that come off Tornado.

“But that’s not all. We will continue to grow capability both in software and hardware. For me an essential element of this weapons system is the Helmet Mounted Sight and the freedoms that it delivers. We also made a declaration in 2015 that we would move to the next generation of radar and that’s still our absolute intent.

“The interoperability of F-35 and Typhoon – how they share information — is not something we are dreaming of, it’s something we are doing. It’s a case of using evolving systems, and we are already proving this kind of communications is working between the aircraft and proving the capabilities of the links.

“So it’s an exciting period in this next couple of years. We will have all three Tranches of Typhoon in service in the UK into 2030 and beyond.”

2017 has been a busy time for the Eurofighter Typhoon and for the UK RAF in particular. AVM Mayhew said: “All five squadrons are currently involved in an operational cycle both at home and away. This includes QRA which we hold in the UK 24/7 and also in the South Atlantic. For the latter maintaining an 8,000-mile sustainment line is quite a challenge. However, it works thanks to our ‘Whole Force Approach’, working with our partner nations and partner companies.”

Another focus for the RAF in recent months has been the Typhoon Total Availability eNterprise (TyTAN) support agreement for the UK Typhoon fleet. He said: “On TyTAN we are working with BAE Systems and looking at how we do more efficient and effective operations. This involves all partner companies working to deliver this supply line.


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