CZ to Supply New Hand Grenades to Czech Army

08.01.2018 Europe
CZ to Supply New Hand Grenades to Czech Army

CZ to Supply New Hand Grenades to Czech Army

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The Czech Army is to be equipped with new modern hand grenades. The tender to supply the grenades was won by Česká zbrojovka a.s., a local company that put forward the best price bid.

Petr Vávra, Head of the Czech Army Department stated: “The selection parameters were extremely tough, the Army specified their requirements and the technical and user parameters for the grenades in great detail. Obviously, the objective was to select a modern yet a tried and tested as well as effective device that would take into account the current security threats and the needs of soldiers in combat.”

Major manufacturers from NATO countries took part in the tender.

“It is not an easy feat to succeed in such a strong competition, therefore I, as a former soldier, am personally very pleased that another type of a modern weapon will become a part of the a Czech soldier’s equipment,” Vávra added.

The hand grenades are manufactured by Rheinmetall Waffe Munition, CZ’s strategic partner.

“We have worked with the Rheinmteall company for nearly 10 years on various projects. Their high quality munition has helped us to sell the CZ 805 G1 grenade launcher from CZ and we in turn help them to sell their munition,” he explained.

CZ is planning to transfer the grenade production to the Czech Republic, among others, also in case of mobilization and state crises. For the hand grenade project, we expect to cooperate with Explosia a.s.

“They are a very interesting partner for us whose portfolio complements our comprehensive program of providing equipment for special units. At the moment, both companies have joint offers from three countries,” Vávra concluded.


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