DCI, SSA to Offer French Military Health Services Abroad

12.02.2016 North America
DCI, SSA to Offer French Military Health Services Abroad

DCI, SSA to Offer French Military Health Services Abroad

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Défense Conseil International (DCI) and the French Military Health Service (SSA) are engaged in a partnership to offer abroad medical training (operational), expertise and innovative solutions.

Specialized in the transfer of know-how to foreign Armed Forces in the land, maritime and air fields, DCI has implemented - since the second semester of 2015 - initial and special medical trainings validated by the SSA for the benefit of friendly countries to France.

This is an exhaustive and flexible offer which has been signed as a framework agreement with the French Military Health Service in the field of military medicine.

Recognized for its efficiency in caring for war injured in operations, SSA has a unique expertise in training its medical teams deployed as closely as possible to combat. The French caring standards applied by SSA in foreign operations are thus offered to foreign partners across a trainings panel: combat rescue, war surgery and medicine, NRBC (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological, Chemical) risks as well as the so called environmental trainings: aeronautical, diving, desert, mountain, etc.

DCI will also be offering friendly foreign countries through consulting missions covering everything from post-traumatic stress syndrome, health logistics in operation, epidemiology or even bacteriological threat.

Lastly, DCI is promoting innovative solutions developed by the SSA, such as lyophilised plasma or even lifesaving surgery module.

On the other hand, DCI strengthen its ties with SSA through the support of its activities with the signature of agreements related to foreign pilot trainees medical care at Dax helicopter international training centre, diving medical support at Saint-Mandrier military diving international training centre, Brazilian submariners training project for submarine instructors support and ability as well as care and abilities for DCI centers support within French armed forces schools.

“We are proud of serving SSA and bringing them all our support through the promotion of health activities abroad. We are responding to increasing requests from France friendly foreign countries, in particular from South-East Asia, Latin America and our Middle East cradle, as there is French excellence in this field. We are transferring abroad the French Military Health Service know-how with a very specific expertise thanks to the feedback on recent military operations,” commented Jean-Michel Palagos (photo), DCI Chairman & Chief-Executive Officer.

“Firmly positioned in an international, interministerial and industrial partnerships process to optimize its capabilities and willing to leverage its specific know-how gained in foreign operations theatres, SSA wishes to enter into a sharing dynamic in particular via exercises, exchanges, expertise and trainings. DCI is, as such, an excellent partner who will certainly help us achieve our objectives. Such dynamics will not only increase SSA visibility but also develop interoperability with its partners and support innovation and excellence,” said General Physician Debonne, French Military Health Service Central Director.


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