Leonardo Announces Successful First Flight for MALE-Class Drone

28.05.2018 North America
Leonardo Announces Successful First Flight for MALE-Class Drone

Leonardo Announces Successful First Flight for MALE-Class Drone

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The first flight campaign to demonstrate satellite control of a European-built MALE-class (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) drone has been completed successfully. A team comprising Telespazio (Leonardo 67%, Thales 33%) and Piaggio Aerospace carried out the activity using a remotely-piloted P.1HH HammerHead aircraft as the test bed, developing and integrating capabilities that will enable drones to safely fly in unsegregated air space, beyond the range of ground-based radio coverage (called BRLOS - Beyond Radio Line Of Sight).


The campaign was carried out at Birgi airport in Trapani, Italy in order to evaluate the efficacy of the satellite technology for various dual-use applications under realistic conditions. The flights are in line with the objectives of the DeSIRE II European research project, led by Telespazio and jointly initiated by the European Space Agency (ESA) and European Defense Agency (EDA).


DeSIRE II will support European standardization and regulatory activities in the drone sector.


Telespazio, a subsidiary of Leonardo and a leader in Space services, has developed a two-way satellite communication network which was used during the flight campaign. Control data from the ground station was transmitted to remotely operate the P.1HH and its on-board sensors and systems, while data collected by the drone during flight was returned to the ground station via the same network. The system made use of the Athena-Fidus satellite resources, managed by Telespazio’s Fucino Space Centre.


The success of this set of trials reinforces Leonardo’s position as a key player in the development of drone-based capabilities, products, and services, with this campaign proving the Company’s ability to support flights of unmanned systems in BRLOS mode. The activities also represent a step towards a future where remotely-piloted aircraft are used to support public services, such as environmental monitoring, surveillance, and emergency management.


Leonardo is among the top ten global players in Aerospace, Defense and Security and Italy’s main industrial company. Organized into seven business divisions (Helicopters; Aircraft; Aero-structures; Airborne & Space Systems; Land & Naval Defense Electronics; Defense Systems; Security & Information Systems), Leonardo operates in the most competitive international markets by leveraging its areas of technology and product leadership.


In 2017 Leonardo recorded consolidated restated revenues of 11.7 billion Euros and has a significant industrial presence in Italy, the UK, the U.S. and Poland.


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