Bittium Exhibits New Tactical Radios at Eurosatory

14.06.2018 North America
Bittium Exhibits New Tactical Radios at Eurosatory

Bittium Exhibits New Tactical Radios at Eurosatory

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Bittium is exhibiting new Bittium Tough SDR tactical radios and launching Bittium Tough VoIP Softphone software product at the Eurosatory defense exhibition in Paris, France on June 11-15, 2018.


In addition, Bittium is showcasing Software Defined Radio based Bittium Tactical Wireless IP Network™ system for forming a wireless broadband network, Bittium Tough Comnode™ terminal and Bittium Tough VoIP™ products for versatile IP-based data transfer and VoIP calls, as well as the secure and strong Bittium Tough Mobile 4G LTE smartphone and related high security software products.


The Bittium Tough SDR product family of tactical radios consists of Bittium Tough SDR Handheld™, tactical handheld radio for individual soldiers, and Bittium Tough SDR Vehicular™, tactical radio for vehicle installations. The radios can flexibly use the most appropriate waveform with the best fit considering the conditions and the mission, such as Bittium TAC WIN Waveform™, ESSOR HDRWF waveform and Bittium Narrowband Waveform™. The uniquely wide range of frequency bands improves combat survivability and using several waveforms, even simultaneously, improves compatibility and enables operations on different levels and missions.


The tactical radios expand Bittium’s product offering from the current Bittium TAC WIN system, used for forming a tactical broadband mobile IP backbone network, now also to individual soldier and vehicular level tactical radios. This enables bringing broadband data transfer and voice to all mobile troops starting from brigade level and all the way across the battlefield to individual soldiers.


The Bittium Tough VoIP Softphone™ software product launched at the event is a VoIP client (Voice over Internet Protocol) that can be used for VoIP calls, instant messaging, conference calls and screen sharing in the tactical Bittium Tough VoIP Service™ network either with a PC or smartphone. Especially useful for tactical use are also the Push-To-Talk (PTT) feature as well as the remote control and sending instant messages to existing third party Combat Net Radios (CNR) through Bittium Tough VoIP Service network and Bittium Tough Comnode terminal or Bittium TAC WIN system’s router (Radio over IP, RoIP). 


Products showcased at Eurosatory include:


  • Bittium Tactical Wireless IP Network™ (TAC WIN), a Software Defined Radio based wireless broadband network system intended for military and public safety use.
  • Bittium Tough SDR™ product family consisting of Bittium Tough SDR Handheld™, tactical handheld radio for individual soldiers, and Bittium Tough SDR Vehicular™, tactical radio for vehicle installations.
  • Bittium Tough Comnode™ which fulfils the data transfer needs for mobile troops by functioning for example as a VoIP phone, an IP router, and an SHDSL repeater. Additionally, Bittium Tough Comnode provides SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) server functionalities of the tactical voice network for commercial VoIP terminals and enables using also legacy Combat Net Radios (CNR) as part of the IP-based tactical communication system (Radio over IP, RoIP).
  • Bittium Tough VoIP™ product family’s products which enable tactical IP calls and broadband data transfer even in demanding conditions. Products are also easily integrated to existing IP infrastructure. The latest addition to the product family is the Bittium Tough VoIP Softphone™ VoIP client.
  • Bittium Tough Mobile™, a secure and strong Android-based 4G LTE smartphone combining the latest information security solutions and commercial device technologies.
  • Bittium Secure Suite™ device management and encryption software product which complements Bittium Tough Mobile smartphone with a scalable set of new software services for reliable mobile device management, remote attestation and securing the network connections of the device.
  • Bittium SafeMove® Analytics, an advanced monitoring and reporting module that helps organizations to monitor network connectivity and performance to improve productivity and user experience


The products are compatible with all Bittium’s products for tactical communications, are based on the latest software and device technologies, and

enable comprehensive broadband data transfer and VoIP calls across the battlefield. The products offer diverse connectivity options also to third party equipment and systems.


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