ARQUUS Celebrates 1st Anniversary with 2 Days Dedicated to Innovation

31.05.2019 North America
ARQUUS Celebrates 1st Anniversary with 2 Days Dedicated to Innovation

ARQUUS Celebrates 1st Anniversary with 2 Days Dedicated to Innovation

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On May 23rd and 24th 2019, ARQUUS organized two Technodays on the historic Linas-Montlhéry motor racing track. Dedicated to exchange and discussion, the two days brought together ARQUUS’ engineers and partners in order to reflect on the company’s vision on innovation.

 Innovation is inseparable from ARQUUS’ philosophy. The history of the company is that of the visionary engineers who revolutionized the design, industrialization and implementation of the concepts behind the vehicles of their time – such as the FT-17, the AML, EBR and the VAB.

 Innovation is a necessity to stay ahead of the competition and ensure that the company's customers - starting with the Army - have the best products at the best price. Innovation, as applied to support services, also guarantees the operational technical availability of the equipment, at any time and under all conditions.

 In addition, the wide range of needs and disciplines requires equally reliable solutions, whatever the complexity of the expressed need. Under growing economic constraints this requires ARQUUS to demonstrate its growing adaptability.

 During the Technodays 2019, ARQUUS presented the results of its engineers’ research in fields as varied as energy management, propulsion, automation, maintenance and additive manufacturing. This research is coupled with the transposition and integration of selected innovations developed by the Volvo AB Group.

 ARQUUS reaffirms its innovation-based philosophy. Frequently funded by own equity, the company develops practical applications for the military aimed at simplifying equipment use and logistics while also reducing energy expenditure and vehicle costs.

 ARQUUS also innovates by improving what already exists, working on the mechanics, tooling, ergonomics and day-to-day management in order to facilitate the work of the operators and tomorrow’s maintenance personnel. For ARQUUS, innovation is reflected by an ongoing process of review and by searching for simpler, more economical solutions.

 May 24th marks the first anniversary of ARQUUS, which foundation on May 24th 2018 was already under the banner of innovation. Eurosatory 2018 was an opportunity for ARQUUS to present its development areas for the years ahead. A year later, the Technodays 2019 were an opportunity to show the practical terms of the work in progress, and look ahead to the terrestrial mobility programs of the future.

 The aim of the Technodays was to inform all ARQUUS’ state or industrial partners about the company's innovation capabilities. With the theme of exchange, the two days also aimed at gathering reactions, comparing points of view, answering questions and guiding the work of ARQUUS’ engineers.

 Several high-profile individuals from the French Army or French governmental institutions visited ARQUUS’ Technodays, among which General Francis Autran, Central Director of the Army’s Support, and Mr. Emmanuel Chiva, Director of the Defense Innovation Agency.

 ARQUUS wants to stand alongside the armed forces, craftsman and, if possible, expert in the preparation of equipment for combat. Pragmatic, it aims at offering armed forces very concrete improvements by taking account of their feedback. 

Business Area of the Volvo AB Group, ARQUUS is one of the three members of the short-term consortium to which the French Ministry of Defense awarded the Scorpion contract. The Group will be participating in the development of the new generation of wheeled armored personnel carriers for the French Army: the VBMR (multi-role armored vehicle) and the EBRC (armored reconnaissance and combat vehicle). 

ARQUUS also supplies the powertrains and close defense remote control systems operated by these two vehicles. The company will also provide full logistics for spare parts and Scorpion subsystems.


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