MBDA Showcases Brimstone Application on Milrem Robotics UGV

12.09.2019 North America
MBDA Showcases Brimstone Application on Milrem Robotics UGV

MBDA Showcases Brimstone Application on Milrem Robotics UGV

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MBDA has unveiled at DSEI 2019 how the Brimstone precision strike missile can equip Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) to serve as an organic force-multiplier for the tactical commander. This development, utilizing the Milrem Robotics THeMIS UGV, adds to Brimstone’s ‘One Missile, Multi-Platform’ versatility.

Carrying six Brimstone missiles per UGV, the development comes in response to the British Army’s ‘Prototype Warfare’ drive, which includes a renewed need to counter massed armor formations in high-intensity warfare and to ‘fight differently’. Such operational requirements demand long-range, all-weather performance, ability to defeat all-known defensive aid suits (DAS), salvo-firing and moving target capability. Brimstone is uniquely able to meet these challenges.

The THeMIS is a versatile and robust unmanned system with low noise and heat signatures that can negotiate demanding terrains while keeping the operator in a safe distance.

Using digital targeting data provided by the remote operator over standard secure military networks, the system will be capable of engaging line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight targets, with a choice of radar and SAL (semi-active laser) engagement modes.

Andy Allen, MBDA UK Head of Land Domain Sales and Business Development said: “This cassette magazine, with its high weapon loadout, is optimized to counter mass armor. Pairing the combat-proven MBDA Brimstone missile with a flexible and mission deployed UGV such as the Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS provides the tactical commander with the capability to rapidly and remotely deliver high volumes of precision anti-armor effects, importantly in all weathers, against all known DAS and at extended ranges. This land vehicle adds to the Brimstone suite of platforms (fast jet, rotary, RPAS) and underscores its ‘One Missile, Multi-Platform’ versatility.”

The modular elevating launcher has a high load-out to provide the assurance of immediate fire support for multiple targets. The integration solution will take advantage of the high off-boresight agility of the Brimstone missile to avoid the complexity of rotating turrets.

General (ret’d) Riho Terras, President of the Defense Division at Milrem Robotics said: “The THeMIS has proven itself as a reliable and robust vehicle in very difficult conditions, e.g. in Mali during Operation Barkhane. Combining it with the anti-armor capability of MBDA’s Brimstone shows how existing and proven systems can work seamlessly together with novel technology. It is our aim and privilege to work with strong and innovative partners on creating new warfare systems based on the THeMIS.”

Integrating Brimstone to THeMIS follows on from previous work to fit the MMP missile to the UGV. The two weapons offer complementary solutions for delivering organic/battery-level precision anti-armor effects at medium and extended ranges.

Brimstone is a lightweight (50 kg) strike missile with an advanced dual-mode mmW/SAL seeker offering a unique capability of engaging a wide range of target types, including fast moving vehicles / vessels in both land and naval environments and in both direct and indirect modes.

Brimstone’s fully flexible platform approach, provides armed forces users with a “one missile, multiple platform” capability, for surface launch, fast jet, remotely piloted air systems (RPAS), attack helicopter, land and maritime platforms, all utilizing the same missile.

Operationally proven with unequalled mission success rates across multiple theatres, Brimstone has proved to be the weapon of choice with its ability to perform surgical strikes in time and collateral critical missions.

The THeMIS UGV is a modular hybrid multipurpose tracked vehicle that can be equipped with other warfighting technology such as weapon systems, tethered drones, IED detection devices and much more. The aim is to keep soldiers safe and lighten their load.

MBDA is the only European group capable of designing and producing missiles and missile systems that correspond to the full range of current and future operational needs of the three armed forces (land, sea and air).

With a significant presence in five European countries and within the USA, in 2018 MBDA achieved revenue of 3.2 billion euros with an order book of 17.4 billion euros. In total, the group offers a range of 45 missile systems and countermeasures products already in operational service and more than 15 others currently in development.

MBDA is jointly owned by Airbus (37.5%), BAE Systems (37.5%), and Leonardo (25%).

Milrem Robotics is a European technology developer with the primary focus on manufacturing unmanned ground vehicles for defense and security forces and commercial and industrial clients and rescue services. Activities also include operation conceptualization and doctrine-level warfare analysis.


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