Cubic, US Special Operations Sign ISR R&D Agreement

02.03.2020 North America
Cubic, US Special Operations Sign ISR R&D Agreement

Cubic, US Special Operations Sign ISR R&D Agreement

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Cubic Corporation announced that its Cubic Mission Solutions business division signed a Cooperative Research and Development agreement (CRADA) with Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (SOF AT&L) to work on Research and Development (R&D) for cutting-edge airborne payload technologies for use within the Department of Defense.

The effort will primarily be performed by ISR Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cubic Corporation.

“We are pleased to join forces with SOF AT&L to support its mission in developing advanced and innovative technologies in support of global special operations. The CRADA agreement offers a great framework for Cubic’s autonomous systems team to collaborate and to share information,” said Jerry Madigan, President of ISR Systems, Cubic Mission Solutions.

Cubic delivers a low risk, robust Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) ISR platform with a highly expeditionary footprint to satisfy and enhance any ISR mission. Cubic’s ISR-ONE offers a unique blend of high capability and performance, delivered within a Group III UAS platform.

Cubic is a technology-driven, market-leading provider of integrated solutions that increase situational understanding for transportation, defense C4ISR and training customers worldwide to decrease urban congestion and improve the militaries’ effectiveness and operational readiness. 


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