Italian Army to Receive 86 Additional Centauro II Armoured Vehicles

04.01.2021 North America
Italian Army to Receive 86 Additional Centauro II Armoured Vehicles

Italian Army to Receive 86 Additional Centauro II Armoured Vehicles

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On the 30th December 2020 at Guidoni Palace,headquarters of Italy’s General Secretariat of Defence and of the NationalArmaments Directorate, the Land Armaments Director Lieutenant GeneralPaolo Giovannini and the Commercial Director of the Iveco - Oto MelaraConsortium (CIO) Dr. Eng. Giovanni Luisi, signed a contract for 86Centauro II armoured vehicles, plus 10 additional units in option,integrated logistic support and equipment.

The contract, marking the follow-up of the initial supply of 10 units(purchased with the contract signed in July 2018) on a total need of theItalian Army of 150 units, ensures a long-term stability thus strengtheningthe strategic know-how for the land sector of the national industry ofDefence and guaranteeing the production continuity.

Besides the excellent technical and human resources of the two partnercompanies, Iveco Defence Vehicles and Leonardo, the program leveragespredominantly on a national supply chain thanks to the proven capabilitiesof the national Defence industry.

The Centauro II marks a major step forward compared to the previousCentauro I, in terms of power, observation capability, mobility, ergonomics,firing range, communication and maximum crew protection.

Equipped with a new power pack delivering over 700hp and with H-drivearchitecture, a hallmark of the 8x8 Centauro range, Centauro II featuresan entirely digital system and a new generation turret mounting with a120mm gun and Command and Control Communication systems makingCentauro the most innovative vehicle in service with the Italian Army.

The result is a new concept of wheeled armoured vehicle capable ofoperating in any scenario: from national security missions, to peacekeeping and support operations including all interventions involving theItalian Armed Forces.

The Iveco - Oto Melara Consortium, CIO in short, was established in 1985 on equal participationbetween Iveco Defence Vehicles and former Oto Melara, which is now Leonardo. Within the Consortium,Iveco Defence Vehicles, a CNH Industrial company, is responsible for engines, gears and all theautomotive components, the hull and the final integration of wheeled armoured vehicles while Leonardois responsible for weapon systems, sight, command and control communication systems and the hull andthe final integration of tracked armoured vehicles. Both companies have excellent skills in the field ofprotection against direct fire, mines and IEDs.



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