Russia to Create Ballistic Missile Warning System in Space

RIA Novosti13.10.2014 Russia
Russia to Create Ballistic Missile Warning System in Space

Russia to Create Ballistic Missile Warning System in Space

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Russia will create a space-based ballistic missile warning system capable of detecting launches of existing and test missiles, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (photo) said.

“The creation of an integrated space system is one of the key directions in which Russian nuclear deterrent forces will be developed. As a result, we will be able to detect sea and ground launches of various types of ballistic missiles, including prototypes,” Shoigu said.

According to the Defense Minister, the system will replace Soviet-made ballistic missile early warning systems.

The integrated space system will comprise next-generation space vehicles and modernized space centers that would ensure control over the satellites and allow for automatic information processing.

Source: RIA Novosti


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