Iranian Navy to Launch New Submarine and Destroyer

File Photo:FNA14.12.2016 Products
Iranian Navy to Launch New Submarine and Destroyer

Iranian Navy to Launch New Submarine and Destroyer

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Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari announced his country’s plans to unveil and launch home-made semi-heavy Fateh (Conqueror) submarine (photo) and Sahand destroyer in the near future, Fars News Agency (FNA) reported.

“The Fateh submarine is being tested at present,” Sayyari told reporters in Tehran earlier this week.

He also said that overhauling operations have successfully been carried out on Tareq submarine.

“We are now able to overhaul advanced kilo-class submarines and we are now overhauling a second heavy submarine,” he added.

Elsewhere, Admiral Sayyari said that the Iranian Navy will stage massive Velayat 95 wargames in February 2017.

In relevant remarks in mid-June, Admiral Sayyari said that Iran will unveil new destroyers and submarines in the future.

Also in June, he underlined the Iranian experts’ capabilities to design and build different vessels, including destroyers.

“We can design destroyers from point zero and the designing of Damavand destroyer was fully indigenized and our Jamaran destroyer has the capability to carry helicopters and torpedoes,” he said.

Iran’s first home-made destroyer, Jamaran, was launched in late February 2010. The Mowdge Class vessel has a displacement of around 14,000 tons and is equipped with modern radars and electronic warfare capabilities and is armed with a variety of anti-ship, surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles.

Damavand destroyer joined the country’s fleet of warships in the Caspian Sea in March 2015.


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