Textron Armored Vehicles to Iraq

04.06.2010 Iraq

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Textron Marine & Land Systems said it has been engaged to build 80 Armored Military Vehicles for the Iraqi Ministry of Interior for use by the Iraqi Federal Police, to be contracted through the U.S. Army Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process. The total value of the procurement is approximately $94 million.
Of the 80 vehicles, 72 will be configured as Armored Personnel Carriers (APC), while the remaining 8 will be in the standard U. S. Army M1117 Armored Security Vehicle (ASV) configuration employed as Command and Control vehicles. All of the vehicles to be delivered under this contract will be equipped with the Textron Marine & Land Systems 40/50 turret armed with an MK-19 40mm grenade launcher and .50 caliber machine gun. A total of 184 vehicles (122 ASV and 62 APC) built by Textron Marine & Land Systems have already been delivered to Iraq under previous procurements.

"These vehicles will be a great addition to the significant number of Textron Marine & Land Systems armored vehicles already in use by the Iraqi Ministry of Interior. The ASV has demonstrated its outstanding combat effectiveness in meeting expanding roles and missions in Iraq, while proving to be safe and reliable," said Tom Walmsley, General Manager, Textron Marine & Land Systems.

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