AISG Wins Basra O&M Contract

11.06.2010 Iraq

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US based AISG, a design/build construction, logistics and security firm, has been awarded a complex Operation and Maintenance (O&M) cross-departmental contract for the US Departments of State & Defense in southern Iraq.

This contract is valued at $31 million over its entire life and involves the supply and sustainment of all facilities for up to 7,000 personnel at five US bases in Basra Province.

The contract O&M requirements include power, sanitation, water, air conditioning, refrigeration and waste management systems.

In addition, there are anti-terrorism and force protection contractual obligations covered by Iraq Safety, AISG's wholly owned subsidiary and government of Iraq-licensed security company.

"With the growing involvement of the international oil companies in south Iraq, AISG is well positioned to provide the exact services these multinationals require to succeed in marketing what we believe are the largest oil and gas reserves in the world," said Kiffer Andress, CEO, AISG.

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