Saudi Armed Forces Conclude Participation in “Eager Lion”

11.06.2014 KSA
Saudi Armed Forces Conclude Participation in “Eager Lion”

Saudi Armed Forces Conclude Participation in “Eager Lion”

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Saudi Armed Forces concluded Sunday their participation in the exercise, “Eager Lion 2014”, which began 15 days ago in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with the participation of 22 countries and about 12,000 participants.

The Saudi Armed Forces participated in many of the operations among which were the planning and implementation of joint operations of non-conventional wars as well as threats and security challenges in a shared environment in addition to other military actions.

Saudi military planes and navy forces also participated in the final exercise, which was implemented in the fields of training in the mountains of Petra in southern Jordan and the Gulf of Aqaba in the presence of many of the military leaders of Jordan and a number of senior officers of the participating states.

The Saudi Military Attaché in Jordan colonel Suleiman bin Hamad Alaskar said that the Saudi Armed Forces' participation in the exercise was an active participation aimed to strengthen and develop their armed capabilities and prepare military leaders to deal with challenges and developments.

Eager Lion 2014 is a routine USCENTCOM exercise focused on strengthening military-to-military relationships and further demonstrating the U.S. commitment to regional security and stability. It is a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-directed and USCENTCOM executed multilateral exercise with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Source: SPA


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