Navantia Starts Sea Trials for Saudi Royal Navy’s NB 546 AL-JUBAIL

09.09.2021 Asia
Navantia Starts Sea Trials for Saudi Royal Navy’s NB 546 AL-JUBAIL

Navantia Starts Sea Trials for Saudi Royal Navy’s NB 546 AL-JUBAIL

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The ship NB 546 AL-JUBAIL, the first of five corvettes thatNavantia is building for the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF), has begun its sea trials inthe waters of the Bay of Cádiz, Spain in order to check the correct operation of all its systems.

Sea trials are carried out before delivery to the client in order to check the operation of both the platform and the different systems and test their compliance with therequirements specified in the contract with the client.

The trials last a total of two months, divided into two different periods. The current trial period will last about two weeks. Some 140 people participate in them, amongthem some 40 engineers from different specialties.

The trials are staffed by Navantia, partner Industries, Lloyds Register of Shipping andmajor equipment supplier companies. Likewise, the RSNF and members of theSpanish Navy participate on behalf of the client.

Once this period is over, AL-JUBAIL will have its combat system installed, prior todelivery of the ship. Launched in July 2020, delivery to the end customer is expectedto occur within five months.

Al Jubail is the first of five corvettes being built by Navantia in the Avante 2200program. It has a length of 104 meters, a beam of 14 and she will be able totransport a total of 102 people including crew and passengers.

The design of the corvettes is of the latest generation, maximizing the participation of Navantia by incorporating its own products, such as the CATIZ Combat System, the HERMESYS Integrated Communications System, the DORNA Firing Direction, the integrated Platform Control System and the MINERVA Integrated Bridge, together with other equipment developed by Navantia under license, such as the MTU Enginesor the RENK Reduction Gearboxes.


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