Kuwait Hails Role of NATO Defense College

Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)19.05.2014 Kuwait
Kuwait Hails Role of NATO Defense College

Kuwait Hails Role of NATO Defense College

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The State of Kuwait fully recognizes the role and importance of partaking in training opportunities offered at NATO Defense College (NDC) and the Middle East Faculty (MEF), stressed Kuwait’s Ambassador to Italy Sheikh Ali Al-Khalid Al-Sabah to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA).

The Ambassador was recently among guests celebrating the graduation of the eleventh session of the NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC 11). He remarked Kuwait is keen on active participation in dialogue and cooperation with all major regional and international bodies such as NATO to work collectively on main issues and joint interests, top of which are issues of world peace and stability in the face of current challenge.

It is natural, therefore, for the country to seize the opportunity and enroll some of its officers and professionals in such training courses, he noted.
Also in remarks to KUNA, NDC Commandant Lt. Gen. Arne Bord for his part hailed the level of cooperation of Kuwait and also praised the level of performance of the two Kuwaiti graduates in this last batch, which graduated May 9.

MEF Director Col. Giuseppe Morabito meanwhile revealed he is to head a delegation for a visit to Kuwait. He is due to give a lecture on May 20, addressing relations and exchange between NATO and the Middle East region, and relate them to the current state of affairs.

While the college helps prepare senior leaders of NATO members to rise to the challenge, the State of Kuwait for its part has its own great weight and influence, and was a main contributor to the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative. Cooperation between the two is therefore of utmost importance.

On another level, the official said Kuwait's National Security Apparatus Chief Sheikh Thamer Al-Ali Al-Sabah is considered one of the most appreciated and key speakers on themes of cooperation at the college. The cooperation between the two sides also yielded a program where senior NATO commanders would be giving lectures in Kuwait alongside courses in military and strategic sciences, the official added.

The ceremony attended by the Kuwaiti ambassador honored 32 NRCC 11 graduates from 15 different countries - within NATO, the Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, as well as Global Partner countries.
Like NATO itself, the NDC has developed, transformed, and refined its activities since it was first established. It bases its mission on three pillars it states as “Contributing to the effectiveness and cohesion of the Alliance”, “Fostering strategic level thinking on political-military matters”, and “Developing as a major centre of education, study, and research.”

Source: KUNA


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