Oman’s Defense Affairs Minister Visits Swift Sword/3 Drill

ONA25.10.2018 Oman
Oman’s Defense Affairs Minister Visits Swift Sword/3 Drill

Oman’s Defense Affairs Minister Visits Swift Sword/3 Drill

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Sayyid Badr bin Saud bin Harib al- Busaidi, Minister Responsible for Defense Affairs in the Sultanate of Oman visited Tuesday the land and marine operations theater for the joint Omani-British exercise ‘Swift Sword/3’.

He also visited the Royal Navy of Oman (RNO) vessel ‘Al Dhafirah’ and the Royal British Navy Vessel ‘Albion’ taking part at the Swift Sword/3, according to Oman News Agency (ONA).

The Minister Responsible for Defense was accompanied by Lt. General Ahmed bin Harith al- Nabhani, Sultan Armed Forces (SAF) Chief-of-Staff (Director of the Exercise), Rear Admiral Abdullah bin Khamis al- Raisi, Commander of RNO (Deputy Director of the Exercise), Major General Stuart Skits, Commander of the British Force, and Assistant Commander of the Unified Joint Forces participating in the exercise, and Major General Richard Stanford, Senior Loaned Officer.

The Minister Responsible for Defense Affairs and attendees reviewed the military, administrative and technical capabilities of the Omani and British forces.

 They were also briefed on the mechanism for implementing the field plan and the events of the joint military exercise between the Omani and British forces.

At the end of the visit, the Minister Responsible for Defense Affairs hailed the high level of coordination, planning and organization at the operation theater between the Omani and British forces to achieve the prospective aims of the exercise as per the royal directives of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

Earlier, Dr. Abdul Munim bin Mansour al- Hasani, Minister of Information (Official Speaker of the State for Al Shomoukh/2 and Swift Sword/3 military exercises) together with a number of members of the State Council, their excellences, senior retired officers visited on Monday the Command of the joint military exercise (Swift Sword/3), currently being carried out by the Sultanate with the participation of a number of military, security and civil sectors. 

The Exercise which started on the October 1st 2018 will continue up to November 3rd. 


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