Chief of Royal Australian Navy Visits Oman

ONA01.05.2019 Oman
Chief of Royal Australian Navy Visits Oman

Chief of Royal Australian Navy Visits Oman

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Rear Admiral Abdullah bin Khamis al-Ra’eesi, Commander of the Royal Navy of Oman (RNO) received in his office at Mu’askar Al Murtafa’ Monday Vice Admiral Michael Noonan, Chief of the Royal Australian Navy (photo) and his accompanying delegation, currently visiting the Sultanate.

The two sides exchanged cordial conversations and discussed viewpoints on several matters of common concern, Oman News Agency (ONA) reported.

The meeting was attended by Commodore Said bin Abdullah al-Sa’edi, Senior Staff Officer and Commodore Eng. Marhoon bin Mansoor al-Riyami, Director-General of Support at the RNO Command.

In another development, the National Defence College (NDC) in the Sultanate hosted on Monday General (retired) Lord Nickolas Hutton, the former British Chief-of-Staff, within the framework of the curriculum for the 6th NDC batch.

On his arrival at the College’s headquarters, he was received by Major General Salim bin Musallam Qatan, NDC Commandant. 

Lord Nicholas Hutton delivered a lecture on leadership at the strategic level, in which he discussed the most important challenges facing decision makers at the strategic level.

He also talked about economic transformations and the most important factors affecting the global economic balance.

The former British Chief-of-Staff pointed to the depth of the Omani-British relations, represented by the military cooperation between the armed forces of the two friendly countries and ways of developing them.

At the end of the lecture he answered the questions and queries raised by the attendees and participants.

The lecture was attended by SAF senior officers, the faculty of NDC and participants in the sixth session of the National Defence College. 


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