Oman’s National Defence College Hosts ‘Renewed Renaissance, Sustainable Competency’ Seminar

File Photo: NDC Photo: ONA24.03.2021 Oman
Oman’s National Defence College Hosts ‘Renewed Renaissance, Sustainable Competency’ Seminar

Oman’s National Defence College Hosts ‘Renewed Renaissance, Sustainable Competency’ Seminar

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The National Defence College (NDC) or Oman organized a seminar titled “Renewed Renaissance, Sustainable Competency”.

The seminar reviewed initiatives and recommendations made by the participants -who included advisers and other officials from public and private sector establishments - after they used various methods of analysis, discussion and dialogue over the days of the seminar, Oman News Agency (ONA) reported.

The concluding ceremony of the seminar, which began on 4 March and concluded last Thursday, was held under the auspices of Dr. Said Mohammed al Saqri, Minister of Economy. All precautionary measures were undertaken as directed by the Covid-19 Supreme Committee.

A visual display featuring the topics of the symposium was attended by the chief guest and the audience, who had an opportunity to view extensive analyses, discussions, solutions and initiatives proposed by the seminar.

The ceremony was attended by the Vice-Chancellor of Sultan Qaboos University, the Chief-of-Staff of the Sultan’s Armed Forces, the Commander of the Royal Air Force of Oman, the Commander of the Royal Navy of Oman, the Commandant of the NDC and senior invitees.

The National Defence College (NDC) was established and its statute was issued according to Royal Decree number 2/2013 as per Royal Directives of his Majesty Late Sultan Qaboos, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Force.

The College is specialized in strategic studies in the fields of security and defence. It seeks to raise the educational level and knowledge sectors and institutions in order to provide senior leaders, whether military or civilian, with the knowledge and skills that are deemed necessary for them to assume high leadership positions.

Furthermore, the NDC helps them contribute to the formulation of public policies, the development of strategies, the coordination and integration of efforts deployed by different government in due course in terms of issues related to security and defence. 


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