Vectrus Awarded Contract Modification in Qatar

23.06.2016 Qatar
Vectrus Awarded Contract Modification in Qatar

Vectrus Awarded Contract Modification in Qatar

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Vectrus Systems Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vectrus, Inc., has been awarded a $26 million modification for a base operations and support services contract in Qatar.

The cost-plus-fixed-fee contract, first awarded in September 2015, is for day-to-day base operations and maintenance for the area support group in Qatar, as well as its tenant organizations at Camp As-Sayliyah, and Camp As-Sayliyah-South. The contract has an estimated completion date of Sept. 29, 2017, and work will be performed in Qatar. The Army Contracting Command, Rock Island, Ill., is the contracting activity.

Earlier this year (March 2016), Vectrus has received a more than $329 million modification to the U.S. Army base operations and security support services contract in Kuwait (photo). The modification runs through December 28, 2016. The work will be conducted in the Kuwait area of operations. Army Contracting Command at Rock Island, Illinois, is the contracting activity.

In addition, Vectrus Systems Corporation has been awarded a more than $22 million modification to the previously awarded Turkey-Spain Base Maintenance Contract (TSBMC) to support the contingency personnel surge for Operation Inherent Resolve. Work will be performed at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, and is expected to be complete by March 27, 2017. The Air Force Installation Contracting Agency, Kapaun Air Station, Germany, is the contracting activity.

Vectrus is a leading, global government services company with a history in the services market that dates back more than 70 years. The company provides infrastructure asset management, information technology and network communication services, and logistics and supply chain management services to U.S. government customers around the world.

Vectrus is differentiated by operational excellence, superior program performance, a history of long-term customer relationships, and a strong commitment to their mission success.

Vectrus is headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and includes about 6,000 employees spanning 132 locations in 18 countries. In 2015, Vectrus generated sales of $1.2 billion. 


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