GCC Denounces Iran's Interference

Emirates News Agency WAM05.04.2011 UAE
GCC Denounces Iran

GCC Denounces Iran's Interference

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The GCC Ministerial Council expressed concern over Iran's ongoing interference in the GCC countries' internal affairs by conspiring against their national security and sowing communal sedition among their citizens, in an apparent violation of these countries' sovereignty and independence good neighborliness principles, international laws and conventions and the UN and OIC charters.

The Council denounced Iran’s flagrant interference in the internal affairs of Kuwait by planting espionage networks in its territories and attempting to undermine its security, stability and interests of its citizens. It praised the efficiency of Kuwait’s security forces and pledged support to all measures Kuwait had taken to protect its national security.

The Council welcomed the return to calm in Bahrain and lauded the wisdom of its leadership. It condemned the Iranian interference in the Kingdom’s internal affairs and reiterated legitimacy of the Peninsula Shield Forces presence there, on the basis of joint defense treaty among the GCC countries which forms the legal foundation for that presence.

The Council took exception to the Iranian false accusations against Saudi Arabia and called on the Islamic Republic of Iran to cease its hostile policies and to adhere to the principles of good neighborliness.

It also voiced concern over developments in Yemen and deteriorating security state there. It urged all concerned parties in Yemen to consider national interest and to resort to national dialogue in order to reach a comprehensive deal that would help regain peace and achieve the aspirations of Yemeni people for reform and decent living.

The extraordinary meeting of the Ministerial Council was held in Riyadh under the Chairmanship of UAE Foreign Minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

The newly appointed GCC Secretary General Abdulatif Al Zayani who officially assumed his position on April 1 was present at the meeting. He succeeds Abdul Rahman Attiyah.

For more information, check Al-Defaiya Issue # 2/2011


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